Last updated: 11/11/24 – Barry 1-800-566-5872 leave message, after the seventh ring.
Intentional Fires of 9/30/24 to 10/10/24 were postponed due to conditions at the time! When, the burn plan is met! Is, it, too dry, too windy or not windy, enough? Will the smoke disperse or settle? Ask, yourself! So far, so good! Mother Nature wins the first round for us! Although, shortly after this time. Gardnerville residence notice smoke from South Lake Tahoe. Probably, a different control burn. I noticed, smoke than, as well!
Well, Mercury goes retrograde on Sagittarius Nov. 26 – Dec. 15, 2024 means that the education field could be disrupted and clogged with obstacles, especially higher education. The students who are planning to go abroad for purpose of higher education might face numerous obstacles.
Also, traveling could meet delays. Various cultures might come into conflict, ensuing widespread unrest. There could be international chaos amongst countries. Politics will be uncanny. Business deals might break off. Artists might not be able to express their freedom of thoughts and ideas.
Also, people who love and practice freedom might attract dangerous people who could stalk them and cause problems for them. For Pisces, expect chaos! Good Luck, everyone!

Here is, the inside, story! My, year long saga, is almost, over! A, last desperate, plea! A solution, that saves! Mayor Cody Bass. save, the love of my life, the Washoe Rock area! It would, rip the heart, from my chest! Set my, world on fire! One, can’t, miss history’s, fire scars! South Lake Tahoe’s, are all around us! There’s, Caldor’s, Gondola’s, Angora’s, Emerald Bay Road’s. I’ve witnessed, 32 years of them!
“The Washoe Tribe, saying, Tahnu Leweh (Pronounced Tah-New Lay-Way) is native language, for ‘all the people’s place.’ A name the Tribe, gifted to El Dorado County and South Lake Tahoe! A symbol of peace, prosperity and goodness.”
Where is, that now? It’s, the opposite! No one’s, place! Paradise, lost, worthless! Unless, the city makes it, a park! Honor, the Washoe Tribe, hand them the land! A Washoe Village is reborn-ed! A, reenactment of, their original life! LTCC can partner, with extension courses! A win-win!
Teepees, in the summers, bare back riding in creeks and on beaches! Be one, with your horse! And, a myriad of, splendid, outdoor activities! Bring economic prosperity, to natives, residents, businesses and guests! Who’s rock, is it anyways? I know, it is held, in high spiritual, reverence! Giving this Tribe, familiar summers! In a pristine, economic zone! Like they once, had! We all, deserve that! Show them, we mean it!
Native, arts and crafts! Something, for all! Are, we down, for some, Washoe blankets, leather work and bead wear! You, bet we are! We want the, “Whole, Washoe-lota, Museum, Eatery and Casino! A great venue, for the Renaissance Faire, Pow-Wows, Snow Globe II or other outdoor concerts!
Exploit, this window of opportunity! A must see, location! Ceremonial grounds, for ‘all the people’s place.’ If there is, anyone! That can, reverse this, or slow it down! It is, Mayor Cody Bass and John Stark, of Parks & Recreation! After all it’s, their strategy! I attended, the 2024 State of the City, addressed by Cody. I was inspired! Now, I have seen, the light!

Spare, this 80 acres, of the, most visually, sensitive acres, for this purpose! A designated Park Zone! Between HWY 50 and the Martin Bridge. The middle school, LTCC, and folks, like me! Can, still have field trips, here! Agencies are betraying, their missions, values, morals and trust! They’re pulling, a fast one! Surprise, hit! Allowing, UNR students and Washoe Tribe, to burn so close, to Tahoe settlements! Leaving, a everlasting, massive, burn pit, of old growth, ashes! Very, unsightly, for LTCC’s, 150 new dorm, residents as well! Can our, local fire fighting, resources even handle, tens of homes, on fire, at once?
Intentional fires begin on 9/30/24 to 10/10/24. TREX, is intentionally burning conifers. 280 acres on both sides of Trout and Cold Creek! 80 acres, inside the city! Next, to hundreds of homes and endanger, critical infrastructure! 80 acres between, Martin and 50 Hwy, 200 acres between, Golden Bear and Cold Creek!
Learn more, from these links: Map of, intentional burn!
Water, is life! Protect, the land! At this moment, trees and wildlife are abundant, thriving! Let’s not lose, what we have! For 14 years, I have been living it up, with this, creek side park! There is, no finer, dog walking adventure! It’s my, front yard! If we let, this happen! It will be, another 150 years, before Mother Nature, can do it again! It’s an, award winning, meadow! First place, I’d show, a prospective buyer! It’s in, movies! South Lake Tahoe’s, own beloved, creek side park! It’s a free, open air, wildlife exhibit! Make it, a park! Earn money and friends!
Our worlds, best water, is at risk! South Lake Tahoe, protect its source! This amazing, gene bank, of species lining, these two tributaries, are in threat. Lost to, intentional fire? How does this, make us, any safer? It endangers us! You can’t, throw out, fire regulations! Than, set intentional fires?
Hundreds, of old growth trees, on fire! All at once! The value of, a 150 year old, tree in Tahoe! Hundreds, lost! Over, eleven days! Than, what! Hundreds of families, will miss the, sweet spot! At, the confluence of Trout and Heavenly Valley Creeks! Used, as a favorite local park and fishing hole!
For those hundreds, of affected homeowner, victims. Get, a free estimate from Zillow, of your property’s value, now! Ahead of this, potentially destructive, event! So to know, how much compensation, you’re afforded! Be prepared, to evacuate again!
Eleven days, could be and eternity, sucking smoke! It has got, to go, somewhere! You may, want to be, somewhere else! Some, will stick it, out! Wear, a mask! Defend, the home with garden hoses! Much, of the burn, is inaccessible, to fire trucks! I’m sure, they’ll do their best, on what’s left! I emailed, Lake Valley Fire District-Stephan!, an easy look!
Neighbors, use your mentality, wake up to reality! Are we, under some kind of, spell? Save South Lake Tahoe’s, own sweet spot! Stop it, from being, a burn pit! Nature, destroyed, for a lifetime! Even though, this area, has always been, devoid of illegal activity! The city is, just. too cheap! To post, no camping signs!
Fire suppression, is not necessary, here, either! These planned fires, are too, close to homes and buildings! The closest property, to the fire, is only, across the street at Black Bart. About, 60 ft from, the 150 year old, six trunk tree! Which is no, margin of control, for these, wildfires! Especially when, controlled by, inexperienced students and tribe, from, out of state! Even, if some, have history, here! We do, as well! With, mortgages to pay!
So why, do it? This bountiful park, provides a haven, to campers. So, in 2017 Homeland Security and Black Rock, devise this plan, to trick people. Into thinking, they were, dealing with South Lake Tahoe’s, illegal campers issue. Removing by fire, what allows it, to occur! Burn down, the old growth trees. Close to, old Tahoe settlements. Thereby, losing, our first, line of defense! Wind breaks, gone! For, a long time! Just, to gin up, home sales?
In the words of a great President and conservator, Theodore Roosevelt ” Nine-tenths of wisdom consists in being wise in time.” That’s why, Teddy, gave that speech, while wounded! Why, Trump, raised, his fist!

This unique project EIP # 00989 Trout Creek SEZ Restoration, Phase II (CTC) Restoration of SEZ floodplain and stream bank between Martin Dr. and Hwy 50. – In short, Black Rock, DHS and TREX use ancient methods! To burn, 280 acres of old growth trees. By two sensitive, creek banks. Cold Creek and Trout Creek. Between, houses and critical infrastructure.
Kokanee salmon, spawns here, as well, as Taylor Creek! During, this exact time! They, will be swimming in both directions. From fires! Trees, crashing down! Swallowing up soot and sediments, from our, intentional fires! Raging, on both sides, of them. Trout Creek, will surely, lose our recent, Kokanee salmon, spawn! Because, of this heinous, hit! Maybe this, their last trip! What’s, happening? To, God’s gift, to Tahoe!

Last chance, to see! A two year old, 1.5 million dollar home, ignited by, the six trunk tree. Just, a hop, skip and jump, from me! At, the park’s, sweet spot! Where, a beautiful central park with mountain beavers, begs to be! Where, there’s plenty of room, for a bench donated, in your honor! Heavenly Valley, Cold and Trout Creeks, will survive! Proudly, they will flow! If you have time, enjoy their, glory! Before, they’re too, spoiled to view!

We need, to file, a preliminary injunction! That’s all! Grasp this, golden opportunity! Be a hero, to our community! Personal Injury Attorneys. Get in, the front end, of the greatest injury settlement, in Tahoe history! How often, does one, get advance notice, of a huge accident, about to occur!
From fires, comes, flown in, PFAS, 3M fire retardant! Cause, of the “Six Extinction”! If, we can’t, drink rainwater! Who, can? I change, my bird bath, after rain storms. And, refresh it, with Tahoe’s world’s finest, treated, well water! It is better now, than drawing it, from the lake! Intentional fires and pink PFAS, forever kills! It is in, our waters! It will, be raining, from the sky’s. Getting into, are noses and eyes. Abhorrent to, the world’s, best water! Our wells and lakes, may become, permanently destroyed!
This heavier bridge, to our dreams!, Trout Creek, Bike Bridge! On August 11th & 12th, 2017. Maybe, a hundred, mostly, fire and law enforcement folks. Camped, over night, at the college woods. Next, to the meadow and STPUD. Led by DHS and Black Rock.
Attendees, who, remembers, the leader? The one, who convinced you, this was right! Attack, this rot, from the top! This was a snake oil, salesman! You drank, his or hers, cool-aid, that weekend? May have, infected, your minds! Look, for the courage! Call, this out and come clean! To, our community, South Lake Tahoe! A big, fat, black eye, is coming, our way! If, you don’t!
TREX’s cut down, their first tree! At the Washoe rock! Around, Oct. 23, 2023. Then, Oct. 26, 2023, I received, this shocking news! I spoke, with TREX, working on this project, at the meadow! I scolded, them. Who, vandalized, this mature tree? TREX arguments to me, were these trees. Were not here, 150 years ago, so they need, to go? They cut one tree down, at the Washoe rock. So not, to scotch it, during their pending fires!
Eight foot tall, it had grown! Out, of this, Washoe holy, rock outcrop!. After a couple, of days. They brought it, back! Then stood it up, on a ledge. Overnight! Like a badge, of honor! The perfect, Christmas tree. Natives, use to, decorate it! With ornaments, on the 4th of July, Halloween and Christmas.That day! I decide, to set aside, my delightful retirement. To, fight this! Old growth, bomb fire! Or, make it, a prosperous, Washoe Outpost, park! Where, everyone wins! Equity and inclusion, innovation and sustainability! Own, their own managed, results!
TREX claimed, they have meant with the Washoe’s leadership. They, agreed to turn the meadow. Back, to the way, it looked, 150 years ago! Just for kicks! I could not, believe my ears. I said, that’s sick! Who informed, locals? They, call it “restoration”! Only, problem is! One has, to wait 150 years! For, that restorative state, the, desired end! Who, has that, kind of time! To, wait around, for that, to happen? While staring, at a burn pit, out your window? Where, in the skies! Eagles, Owls, Ospreys and Goshawks, used to soar! Now, no more!

They are going to use ancient methods, to burn conifers! This is extremely dangerous and untested! Obliterating, a healthy mature meadow. While, endangering lives? To create, an burnt environment. A burn site, for generations, to view! Drive out, the wildlife!
Shockingly, on Sept. 30 to Oct. 10, 2024, Black Rock, DHS and these partners TREX – Washoe Tribe, U of N Reno and the Nature Conservancy will give participants. Experience, using intentional fire! Challenge, untrained professionals, to participate, in a class, to set intentional fires. To, old growth trees. In, our front and backyards! When, we are most, at risk! Why not, have UNR students, practice, this intentional fire class, in Nevada’s, old growth forest, first? Before setting, California’s, on fire!
Say goodbye, to the mushrooms, from conifers, because this disrupts, the fragile balance, that goes on underground. Web, of life! Overlooked and underappreciated, mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of fungi and mycelium, play a crucial and multifaceted, role in maintaining, the health and vitality, of our meadow ecosystem. They perform nutrient cycling, to plant health and climate regulation. This projects, cuts off, their life support, making it uninhabitable.

Now, blessed with three wet years, in a row. Two El Nino’s and La Nina conditions, to follow. Tahoe, is our planet’s, last Goldilock zone! Or, we are just, incredibly lucky! In the face, of climate change. Nature, is raising water tables, around here! This seven year old. Fake fire suppression, end camping plan, is really the greatest heist in history. With a trail of misery. If we, don’t stop it! It will, stop, us!
Home owners and natives. Just, have to, live with it! A, new eye sore! Loss of privacy! Security! Income! Home values! Concentrated wildlife, will be, leaving us! To, escape the fires! So, will natives and tourism! The world’s best water is here! Temporarily, in South Lake Tahoe! Protect, its source! How does this, make us, any safer? It, endangers us!
On 7/9/24, I met, with a TREX Intentional Fire Class, next to the college. I told them, they’re not welcome! The teacher said, it’s not, old growth trees. I got my degree, from Humboldt State University. Gathering piles of kindling. For those, fires to come! I ask them, to visit this site.
TRPA exhibited, in : “Washoe Tribe hopes, to restore use of fire.” They, didn’t even use capital letters, in the title! When, I read it, on 7/9/24. TRPA’s erosion, from this burn and post-fire, will increase flooding, ash and sediment input. It will, negatively, impact Lake Tahoe! Who, want’s that?
Life, pristine forests and equity, quickly lost! A class, in arson! So, creative of them. This group is not using, modern prescribed fire, methods. They are using, ancient methods! Like, they used, before settlers arrived! Or, fire science! Before houses or infrastructure existed! Extremely, dangerous methods! Like, I used, when I was four!
Didn’t, have to worry about fires, spreading than! One can, move, a teepee, pretty fast. Camp Concord picture, Up and down! Not, so with homes, today! In collaboration with the Washoe Tribe. We, introduced kids and campers, to enlighten, the camping experience!

They’re incentivizing TREX, to go against, their better conscientious. Who on earth! Would destroy, such nature? Using college students, from a different, state! This action, will not, make our community, more secure. We can pray, for wind and rain. Or, we can fight back, now! Just, give them, the land. Don’t, force them burn it!
This is not preserving life, Nature Conservancy. Your ecocide of 280 acre park, next to Lake Tahoe, threatens our existence. Both here, and in Nevada. Fires, out of control, climb mountains. It’s all updraft, from the creek up! Hard to fight! When, heavily forested and populated. Nevada, has lost 20% of its land mass to fires, in the last 40 years.
Nature Conservancy, you betray, your own mission! Destroying life, with these insidious, fires! Taking, direct surprise attack! On our, most revered assets, wildlife and natives. Just, to make, a buck! Where is the seed, of equivalent benefit? Life, destroyed! Here’s their site, at
Let it be? Destroy our towns, most valuable assets? Imagine an army, of old growth, arsonist! TREX and UNR students, destroying, what’s left of, old growth forest, on earth! Old growth trees, provide wind breaks! Prevent fires, from spreading! Provide sanctuary, to both wildlife and natives! They increase, our property values! Saved us, from the Caldor Fire. And, materially, prevent fires!
Many need to, come clean! Blow some, whistles, together! Please, don’t make us more, at risk of fires. That’s exactly, what you’re doing! It’s heinous. Others, bow to, their power! Nature Conservancy and TREX said, your wish, is our command! Hence, old growth forests, are doomed! Extending the catastrophic Caldor Fire’s edge to Hwy 50. Years later, is a slap in the face, to firefighters and home owners who risk, their lives to stop it, where they did. We still, see the scares. Fortunately, the City of South Tahoe was spared. It’s not the time, to force this on us again!
The Caldor Fire removed those neighboring harmful fuels for us. Natives and wildlife, have suffered greatly. Let’s, not be, the victims again! Watch, the healthiest meadow, on earth, burn up? TREX said, we’re just burning, some meadow grass! Getting rid, of those, so called trees!

Lord, they know not what they do! Love thy neighbor. In my view, Black Rock with Homeland Security backing. Are forcing, our community, to accept, harmful measures, that threaten, our very existence! When a relationship of such trust and confidence becomes clear that one party could overpower the other’s free will. Than, it is time, to prevent, federal undue influence. Over our jewel, of the Sierra’s. These, intentional fires! Not, unlike terrorism, by their own definition.
6 U.S.C. § 101 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 6. Domestic Security § 101.
(16) The term “terrorism” means any activity that–
(A) involves an act that–
(i) is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; and
(ii) is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States; and
(B) appears to be intended–
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

Projects, like this, are not, worth the risk. Lets, be thankful. The fire ended. Where, it did! The evacuation, cost me my dog. After, being forced, from her home. Peaches, succumb from the horrific smoke. When winds, died at dust. While in Nevada, air was, overall very unhealthy. Climbed in and grasp, her last breath! A bear, smelled the blood, that suddenly developed, from the corpse! Within minutes, empty the coolers, outside. Here, it comes again! Intentional death. And, destruction, just ahead! The Washoe rock with Peaches!
I wore this outfit. To a fire, of my own making! Burning trash, on a windy day, To late to boost, your fire insurance. Cover these fires! insurance addendum, have to occur before, ten days, of the event!not cool! I received, 3rd degree burns, over 22% of, my four year old, body! I can, hide the scares, with a tank top! Doctor’s, told me, than! If I had been, a girl! I would have died! The babysitter, Ilene Ball, rolled me, in a rug! Saved, my life! Burnt, her hands, 2nd degree, doing it!
May, explain my fear, of stupid fires! Please, never play with fire! No one, tells a fire, what to do! Not in Tahoe, please! Stay out, from under spells. Lorax, says, pretty, please! I’m on the side, home owners, natives and you!

This forest service, industry trope. Saying, old growth forest, is bad. because it is not, new growth! Says, Mother Nature, the miracle of being! Got it, wrong! They’ll, fix it, burn the old growth. Call it, restoration! Restore, mountain beavers! Make it a Washoe, Tahoe Outpost! After all, our commerce, comes from nature! We save, on bullets! Expand, opportunities! Create, jobs!

The ecocide scheme. Is to, divide the city, right in half. Using military tactics, burn pits and scotched earth policies. The City, is required, to protect citizens, both individually and collectively. The 14th Amendment guarantees the right of all persons against action by the state which might deprive them of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or which might deny them equal protection of the law.
Look, what happened, to the Tahoe Keys. Evasive species, moved in, including mud snails, spreading to Taylor Creek and beyond. Now, algal blooms, kill our dogs! What, comes from this? Another, ecological disaster?

Where once a lush meadow, shelter to birds and birds of prey, bears, mountain beavers, ducks, coyotes, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, mountain lions and bobcats, plus many more. Driven from their homes. Out, with the old! In, with the new! Roust out, long term residents, after destroying, their equity!
Where is, the wildlife, going? Their creek side haven, has been burnt down. Life without them, won’t be the same! Instead, Let the beavers be! They will thin the trees. Keep the water table, high! Our problem is being without them for hundreds of years. God, made beavers, for a reason!

Here’s a 1999 photo, a La Nina after a El Nino year, lush meadow with wildflowers. My city, here is your chance to establish. A new mountain beaver, sanctuary! The habitat benefits to bio-diversity and to the environment are numerous. Stop killing them! Reverse climate change. Improve habitats and bio-diversity. Beavers, create more, sources of water, to draw from. This is our best chance. To curb species extinction. Add diversity. Boost the water cycle. And, solve the, climate crisis.
Beavers, cherish water, so much! They, save it up. And, they are, a big part, of the solution! So let, them live and they’ll, help us live. Together, working with beavers, we can, save the planet, from climate change! Let’s put them, to work! They recently, restored the Colorado River flows, to the Gulf of California, while increasing habitats. To many, nearly extinct species. During, the US Southwest, current drought.
Show them, whose boss! Post three dozen, “Day Use Only” signs at the, entrance of trails leading to the meadow. Illegal human activity, such as the dozen or so incidences of homeless encampments over 14 years, would cease. If that, really mattered. It is wonderful, for walking a dog!

1994 Camp Concord staff photo

Instead, let it be! Save 3 million dollars, take a couple, tiny steps. Eighty acres, gifted to the tribe! Brings, prosperity to all!
I have lived it up, in South Tahoe for 32 years! I am proudest, of a perfect work attendance. No, small task! (ie. Tahoe Queen, Caesar’s, Camp Concord – City of Concord, Look Home Inspection – proprietor , Lakeside Inn, Tahoe Keys Property Owners Assoc. and Lakeside Park Assoc. – Water Plant) Born in, the year of Dragon, possessing natural courage, tenacity, and intelligence. Often, displaying enthusiasm and confidence. This is, that year!
For fourteen years, I’ve regularly walked, this lush forested, meadow. Often with, out of town visitors! Losing the wildlife, would be devastating. What is likely, to happen? A rush to sell homes and properties, de-valuated! Their mission. This is no laughing matter. They’re driving down, our property’s values.

Those who start these fires. Leave it up to, others to put out! With these ancient methods, we are apt, to have, ancient results! There goes, everything! Unless, we compromise!

My house was built in 1956. The year, I burnt, myself! It has, an 8 x 5 picture window, pointed at, the lake! I fantasized, about a wind storm, that would level, the trees. Reveal my, lake view! It’s them, the old growth trees, that keep the winds, at bay. Now, these agencies, want to burn down, my wind and fire protection!
When you lose the trees. You lose, the ability to, relieve yourself, in private. Shelter, from storms. Create fewer birds, flowers and more mosquitoes. Conifers use their needles, to keep warm, generate nutrients and hold in moisture. Raking them up, hurts the tree! These shade trees, grow grasses, mushrooms, wildflowers and provide wildlife habitats!
Post tragedy, a meadow walk, will show many ugly structures. Natives, will want to move, all at once! Never seen before STPUD and college buildings to the east, Hwy 50 traffic report straight ahead. Scenery changed by fire! A trail of old rundown houses, to the south and west. One, has an old shiny metal roof, that glimmers through the trees. Once gone, it will be, blinding me. Like the headlights from Hwy 50. Now, we’ve lost views. Now, need to close our blinds. Homeland security, using 5G technology, can see through walls, unless they are metal. They can view, everything we do. With incredible detail.

Ask the victims, of the Caldor Fire. What happen, to their property values. When the trees, around them were charred black and left scared, from fires. No, more fires, please! Natives, remember driving, on the opposite side of the road, during the evacuation?

Caldor, Evacuation!
Another, hit, Tahoe Keys ecological disaster, is only 3.5 miles away? We can’t afford, radical changes to our environment and property values. This could lead to, Tahoe greatest catastrophe!

What Legal Claims Might We Bring Against DHS or its Agents?
People have bad encounters with DHS all the time. Some of those encounters might give rise to legal claims. What those claims might be depends on what DHS or its agents may have done and the relief we are seeking.
Federal Tort Claims Act
Our first claim may lie under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). The FTCA is a federal law that lets people sue the United States for the wrongful conduct of government employees that causes personal injury or property damage. If we wanted to sue the government for, say, negligence, we would sue under the FTCA.
We have to follow specific procedures under FTCA or we won’t be able to file a lawsuit. We first must file a written claim with DHS within two years of when our claim arises or else we are barred. Our claim needs to be complete and must include an amount for the damages we are seeking.
DHS then has six months to investigate our claim and possibly reach a settlement with us. If we don’t hear from DHS or are unable to settle with them within six months, then we may bring a lawsuit in federal district court.
There are limits on an FTCA claim. we present the case to a federal judge; we do not get a jury. The only damages the judge can award are compensatory damages (damages to compensate us for our actual losses). We cannot recover punitive damages (damages intended to punish the wrongdoer for outrageous conduct) or attorneys’ fees.
Here’s a link, to the opposition’s information, from the LTCC.
Their comments, prove my points. LTCC, has a lot, to lose! Trout Meadow – By Valentine, Scott – Earth Sciences Instructor<>InboxN
Old Notes and Pics:
I was suddenly, surprised, by a Goshawk on 12/13/2023. I was at, a favorite spot, the Trout Creek horseshoe bend! Slated, to be burnt. It was perched on a big limb! Just above me! We watched, two circling Osprey’s, overhead together. What a moment, it was three, birds of prey, at the same time. Last Spring 2023, a film crew, was here making a movie!
2/20/23 I was again, rewarded by, a beautiful bobcat, who visited me, at home. I have been getting, all these signals from, the wildlife. They sense, something is coming!

Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like its heaven on earth. Mark Twain
Ducks in a row?

I’ve always been in the right place at the right time. Of course, I steered myself there. – Bob Hope
High altitude, blunts one’s, thirst response. This means one, needs to drink, a lot more, of the finest water in the world.

The only limits to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

The end of science is not to prove a theory, but to improve mankind.

It is a funny thing about life if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it.

Eagle Falls
Ran into some, old Camp Concord party friends! Together, we’ve got a Netflix’s series, in there, somewhere!
Here, at the foot of the pyramids.

Beasley and Bogart, Big Sur!
Watch Me Move? Snow Globe – A Tahoe Winter dance! Full leather, boots preferred. Maybe, DHS saw this. Lets see, where he goes, with this.
A fun, San Diego, Stag Party! This one, for a career, expert witness. Pointing, right at you!

The love of my life. Rory Ruppert Winton, long, since gone! Here is, a food fight. After white water, rafting feast, at the King River! As Director of Sustainability, at Balboa Park. She had, her own, foundation, last I checked!
/in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein

4. Would a FDR Second Bill of Rights work for most people? Guaranteed specific rights to:
- Employment (right to work) food, clothing, and leisure with enough income to support them.
- Farmers rights to a fair income
- Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
- Housing
- Medical care
- Social security
- Education
Look deeper & share moments.
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Hi John, I just updated this post. I simplified the title to read Stop Tahoe Ecocide and figured out the crime Homeland Security is committing undue influence of the City. If they go through with it would be a real tragedy. Check out some podcast and post on my other website wisdomvision. I am thinking about posting this post there.
Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was searching for!Leadership
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